Producer of tapes and strips cut out of fabric

ABET has been manufacturing and supplying tapes and strips to the clothing manufacturers and other producers since 1993. Since then, Abet expanded gaining a lot of experience and trust of thousands customers from Poland and abroad. We cooperate with producers from European Union and other countries, gaining reputation for high quality textile accessories at very reasonable prices as well as responsive and attentive customer service. Whether you need waistbands, pipings, rouleau (spaghetti), bias binding, belts, stay tapes, folded edgings or you need to cut any kind of material, we are able to handle all your specific requirements, both small and large orders.

In case of any questions or if you are looking for advice about our specialities, please contact our office:


91-336 Łódź, ul. Fredry 21

Phone. (+) 48 693 680 056


